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Dance of Embodiment with Amanda Marse

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Come join our complete meditative dance ceremony where you can join other beautiful soul’s from around the world in releasing deep chakra blockages, removing toxic energies from your body as well as re-balancing your mind and nervous system!


Come let go of judgement, of the need to control everything, and feel how freeing it can be to simply honor your body and move authentically to incredible music, in exactly the way your body needs in each moment.

*** Let Us Gather Together to Dance in Love for ourselves, others, The Earth and the Elements

*** Dance to Embody Love and Grace for Yourself 

*** Dance to Feel and Connect to Your Heart

*** Dance to Receive Replenishment  


Together we will:

::::  Connect to our body in a deep, meaningful way. 

::::  Align within Ourselves through Movement, Breath and Sound

::::  Move and feel our bodies freely in whatever way it wants to move

::::  Ground our energy to the Earth and Connect our energy to the Sky. 

::::  Connect deeply to our Hearts

::::  Share and listen to each other from our activated hearts

::::  Receive a sacred sound integration 

🌙  When: Every Thursday morning from 11am-12:30pm on Zoom (90 minutes)